BM Sumer’den Deniz Tabanı ve Yapı Etkileşimi Problemlerine Çözüm 1 dakikada okunabilir

BM SUMER, deniz tabanı sıvılaşması, taban oyulması ve yapılar üzerindeki kuvvetler gibi deniz tabanı-yapı etkileşimi problemlerinin çözümü için mühendislik yazılımları geliştiriyor.

With their more than 40 years of experience, BM SUMER consultants are at the forefront of the fundamental and applied research in Coastal, Offshore, Hydraulic, River, Environmental, and Marine Civil Engineering. BM SUMER consultants are proud of the strong feedback mechanism between their research and the consultancy; the research feeds into the consultancy, and the consultancy feeds into the research.

In BM SUMER consultants’ research, attention is always concentrated on the clear understanding of the hydrodynamic processes. Understanding of the physical processes is of utmost importance. This is achieved by use of controlled laboratory experiments, and, where possible, by use of numerical experiments, utilizing advanced numerical models.


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